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Ninjin was left alone as a kid after his parents were killed in a village raid when he was only 12 years old. Being an orphan, he was taken in by a samurai of the Yamagiri clan and was taught how to defend himself until he was 17 where he took the final test and eventually had t face his master in combat, either dying or killing him. From then on he fought for himself and for others as an Assassin to make a living, a few years later being 21, he continued his assassin job as he grew to love the feeling of killing another for a living. 
Affinity: (Magic - 2 Mental {Telekinesis - The ability to move objects with the mind. (Not other rpcs), Elenchus - The ability to distinguish lie from truth, also known as truth-seeking} 2 Arcane {Summoning - The ability to cause manifestation of creatures, Binding - The ability to fuse or bind something found in the arcane realm to human host with purpose of giving the host new magic powers} And Spiritual - Chi {Instinct - The ability for the users body to move and fight on instinct alone.} Qi {Healing - The ability to heal himself and others during or after battle})
Pseudo-Electrokinesis {The user surrounds himself or a certain body part with lightning-like aura, capable of generating electricity that can be utilized in an offensive and destructive manner, which can also paralyze its target.He can also use this to place explosive mines around to trap his opponent. This is not a learned characteristic, but is hereditary, originating from the Kagiri bloodline. Note this ability may be passed onto a weapon.} 
credit: hazakura

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